Cwricwlwm i Gymru - Curriculum for Wales


Mae uwch arweinwyr, staff, disgyblion, rhieni a gofalwyr wedi gweithio ar y cyd i ddatblygu gweledigaeth a rennir ar gyfer y cwricwlwm yr ydym wedi’i ddatblygu yn Ysgol Gymraeg Blaendulais .

Mae cwricwlwm yr ysgol yn bodloni’r elfennau gofynnol fel y’u nodir yn y fframwaith cenedlaethol. Mae’n canolbwyntio ar sicrhau bod ein disgyblion yn datblygu rhinweddau’r pedwar diben wrth ddod yn Ddysgwyr Uchelgeisiol, Galluog; yn Gyfranwyr Mentrus, Creadigol; yn Ddinasyddion Egwyddorol, Gwybodus ac yn Unigolion Iach, Hyderus.

Mae cwricwlwm ein hysgol yn flaengar a bydd yn sicrhau bod disgyblion yn datblygu rheolaeth ac annibyniaeth wrth ddatblygu eu sgiliau llythrennedd, rhifedd, digidol a’r sgiliau cyfannol; yn ogystal â sicrhau bod disgyblion yn ymgysylltu â chynnwys cynyddol gymhleth a soffistigedig er mwyn datblygu eu gwybodaeth a’u dealltwriaeth. Bydd dysgwyr yn datblygu dealltwriaeth o bob ‘Datganiad o’r Hyn sy’n Bwysig’ fel rhan o gwricwlwm yr ysgol. Bydd y broses o archwilio ac ailymweld â’r datganiadau hyn yn galluogi ein dysgwyr i ddatblygu gwybodaeth ddyfnach fyth dros eu continwwm dysgu ac i symud ymlaen i ddealltwriaeth fwy soffistigedig o’r wybodaeth, syniadau ac egwyddorion allweddol ym mhob Maes Dysgu a Phrofiad.

Mae asesu yn ein hysgol yn galluogi ein dysgwyr i wneud cynnydd gan ei fod yn canolbwyntio ar gefnogi dysgwyr i symud ymlaen yn eu dysgu o ddydd i ddydd gan adnabod a myfyrio ar gynnydd dysgwyr dros amser. Er mwyn gwneud hyn, byddwn yn datblygu dealltwriaeth gyffredin o gynnydd, ar draws ein hysgol a’n cymuned ehangach.

Byddwn yn rhannu bwriadau dysgu clir gyda:
 ein disgyblion
 staff ysgol gyfan
 ein llywodraethwyr
 ein rhieni
 ein clwstwr o ysgolion
Mae cwricwlwm yr ysgol yn eang a chytbwys, gan sicrhau bod disgyblion yn datblygu dull integredig, trawsddisgyblaethol o ddysgu ac yn sicrhau bod dysgwyr yn gwneud cysylltiadau ystyrlon ar draws y chwe Maes Dysgu a Phrofiad. Mae hyn yn galluogi dysgwyr i feithrin cysylltiadau ar draws eu dysgu a chyfuno gwahanol brofiadau, gwybodaeth a sgiliau.

Mae ein cwricwlwm wedi’i gynllunio i ddatblygu ymdeimlad o berthyn yn ein disgyblion, nid yn unig mewn ystyr ffisegol neu ddaearyddol ond yn hanesyddol, ddiwylliannol a chymdeithasol gan sicrhau eu bont yn deall beth sydd wedi llunio ac sy’n parhau i lunio’r gymuned y mae ein hysgol yn byw ynddi. Anelwn i helpu ein disgyblion i wneud synnwyr o’u hunaniaeth eu hunain, i wneud synnwyr o’u perthynas â’u cymunedau, eu hunaniaeth genedlaethol a’r byd ehangach.

Bydd yr ysgol yn monitro effaith ei chwricwlwm ar gynnydd disgyblion a’u datblygiad o’r pedwar diben yn barhaus drwy gydol y flwyddyn academaidd ac yn cwblhau adolygiad ffurfiol yn flynyddol.


Senior leaders, staff, pupils, parents and carers have worked collaboratively to develop a shared vision for the curriculum that we have developed at Ysgol Gymraeg Blaendulais .

The school’s curriculum meets the required elements as set out in the national framework. It is focused on ensuring that pupils develop the four purposes of being Ambitious Capable Learners; Enterprising Creative Contributors; Ethical and Informed Citizens and Healthy confident Individuals. The curriculum at our school is progressive and will ensure pupils develop control and independence in their development of their literacy, numeracy, digital and integral skills in addition to ensuring pupils engage with increasingly complex and sophisticated content to progress their knowledge and understanding.

Learners will develop an understanding of all ‘Statements of What Matters’ as part of the school’s curriculum. The process of exploring and revisiting these statements will enable our learners to develop ever deeper knowledge over their learning continuum and to progress to a more sophisticated understanding of the key knowledge, ideas and principles in each Area of Learning and Experience. Assessment at our school enables learner progression as it is focused on supporting learners to move forward with their learning on a day to day basis and identifying, capturing and reflecting on learners’ progress over time. In order to do this, we shall develop a shared understanding of progress, across our school and our wider community.

We shall share clear learning intentions with:
 our pupils
 whole school staff
 our governors
 our parents
 our cluster of schools
The school’s curriculum is broad and balanced, ensuring that pupils develop an integrated, cross-disciplinary approach to learning and ensures learners make meaningful links across the six Areas of Learning and Experience. This enables learners to build connections across their learning and combine different experiences, knowledge and skills.

Our curriculum is designed to develop in our pupils a sense of belonging, not just in a physical or geographical sense but also the historic, cultural and social place which has shaped and continues to shape the community which our school inhabits. We aim to help our pupils make sense of their own identities and those of others, in our community, Wales and the across the world.

The school will monitor the impact of its curriculum on pupils’ progression and their development of the four purposes on a continuous basis throughout the academic year and completea formal review on an annual basis

This enables learners to build connections across their learning and combine different experi-ences, knowledge and skills. Our curriculum is designed to develop in our pupils a sense of belonging, not just in a physical or geographical sense but also the historic, cultural and social place which has shaped and continues to shape the community which our school inhabits. We aim to help our pupils make sense of their own identities and those of others, in our community, Wales and the across the world.The school will monitor the impact of its curriculum on pupils’ progression and their develop-ment of the four purposes on a continuous basis throughout the academic year and complete a formal review on an annual basis

Gwasgwch yma am fwy o wybodaeth.

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